Tag Archives: 2014

First post in 2014

It’s been long! 

As I’ve confessed in my first post, I do have the tendency to leave off “doing something”, and once I left, I have a greater tendency to just avoid it once for all. The reason why I’m back here is one thing : this is not just another thing that I do. It’s not just Tumbling, playing golf, tennis, or knitting – the list of activities that I simply left, it is writing. And I actually saw the HUGE benefit derived from it. I gained much more knowledge about what’s happening around me. In particular, I have OPINIONS about it. It gave me topics to talk about and made myself filled, full of ideas and opinionated. When I met with people, I can casually talk about topics that I’ve researched on, built opinions on, and wrote on this blog, which is exactly what I was aiming for. So folks, this blog is a keeper. 

To start off 2014, I would like to write something that I think is very important: 2013 in recap. Sure, it’s not something new and you’ve probably seen thousands of these on the TV, websites, even on Facebook. But I’d like to share with you why I think it’s important. Robin S Sharma, in his book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” spoke a great length about reflecting. 

Select, Reflect and Correct. Reflection is one of the most powerful yet underused business skills. The French scientist Blaise Pascal mused that “All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.” The habit of going to a quiet place on a regular basis and reflecting on the causes, solutions and ultimate benefits of a problem you might be experiencing is one that will profoundly improve the level of your personal and professional effectiveness. Thinking deeply about the way you are doing the things you do increases self-awareness which, in turn, prevents future mistakes. Let your past failures serve you. Transform your stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Unless you reflect – then correct – the mistakes of your past, you are doomed to repeat them.


I can not agree more to this practice. Do you know how I came to write this blog? It was one afternoon where I had to sit down and write a once- a- semester reflection assignment from my program director. While writing, I myself came up with the answer to all my problems, which is blogging. Had I not reflected upon myself, the answer wouldn’t have been clear and I wouldn’t have gotten myself doing this very rewarding activity. 

So folks, I hope this piece of mind can inspire you to do the same. Have a wonderful reflection time and I hope that you will be invigorated and motivated to start this year anew.